The Whoopsy Daisies Tarot is a Labour of Love and also a Bucket List project created by myself, Wendle Beaton and my daughter, Lola Martinez. The artwork honours the specific symbology and meaning of the ancient tarot of the past but updates the imagery to incorporate modern themes for a new generation of readers to connect and understand. Each card is based on real life people with real life stories. Each with accomplishments that have impacted and inspired us in our work. Every artwork has multi layered meanings and is full of “SPARKLES” which is how we describe the MAGICAL components imbued into each “HEARTWORK”.

The images on these cards are meant to draw out the reader’s own unique intuitive abilities and help make correlations and interpretations specific to the reader so the reading can be done in a deeper more meaningful way.

These cards are the culmination of a 4-year spiritual journey and a lifechanging period in our lives. As tarot and oracle readers ourselves, we used creative intuition to process our grief, gain deeper insight and bring the Mystical ART of tarot reading to a new generation of reader.

TAROT CARDS are not evil or wicked or conjure demons. They are not scary in any way, shape or form! All that mumbo jumbo is just made-up nonsense, manufactured to stop us from developing our inherent intuitive abilities. Tarot cards and Oracle cards are artistic tools used to help develop our inherent personal intuitive language.

Every person on the planet is born with the innate ability to go within and tap into this subconscious language.

Have you ever heard your name being called but realize it was in your head?  Have you ever walked into a room of strangers and felt the anger, sadness or joy before a single word has been spoken?  Have you felt the hairs stand up on the back of your neck when you sense something is awry around you?  Have you ever felt goosebumps when a synchronicity, happenstance, or coincidence occurs out of the blue?

In these ways, your inner connection to the Divine has just whispered to you in its own special language and these are a few ways how that information is expressed.

We all have the ability to tap into this part of ourselves … it’s called INTUITION. Our intuition is a muscle that must be exercised to realize its full potential and it speaks in a personal language we must each learn to understand.

What Are Tarot Cards?

Tarot cards are simply ART CARDS that feature wonderful artistic images meant to help you connect with your intuitive inner self and understand the unspoken language it speaks.

The original Tarot is a series of cards with individual structured meanings from a centuries old practice dating back to beyond the middle ages. They have been enhanced by imagery and symbolism, artistically created by artists throughout time, to pluck the strings of our heart, head and spirit in order to help us understand the subconscious, instinctual language we call “INTUITION”.

As you learn the basic meanings of each card and add your own personal symbolic significance and language, each card will draw out an even deeper meaning and understanding for you.

When learning to READ CARDS….Look at the imagery, colours, design etc… and ask yourself …”What does this card say to ME?”  Whatever connections, synchronicities or words that come to mind is is exactly how the process starts. Your heart and mind will begin to open up to your spirit connecting you to your INTUITION, which literally means …inner knowing.


Where Did Tarot Cards Come From?

The actual origin of the first Tarot cards is obscure, some believe the cards originated in Egypt but there is reason to suspect they may have originated in China. Both early civilizations had traditions of using symbolism and illustrations on paper to depict ideas, events and situations. Both cultures used cards as tools of divination.   Whatever the genesis of tarot may have been, the cards found their way west into southern Europe during the 14th century. Travelling to various countries with people from Egypt known as “gypsies”. They brought Tarot cards to communities and villages across medieval Europe where their mystical power spread far and wide.

The Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, each with its own imagery, symbolism and story. It is divided into 2 parts, The Major Arcana and The Minor Arcana. Arcana means secrets or mysteries.


There are 22 Major Arcana cards that represent the “Fool’s Journey” from birth to enlightenment. The Major Arcana depicts the BIG lessons, energies, and wisdom we all must learn.


The 56 Minor Arcana cards reflect the trials, tribulations and nuances experienced along that path.


The tarot is meant to be a read like a story unfolding. Just like steps on a staircase, we climb card by card into the question at hand. The cards tell us a story as we take each step or read each card in succession in a layout or spread of our choosing.


There are 16 Minor Arcana Court Cards separated into suits by Kings, Queens, Knights and Pages. These cards represent 16 different personality characteristics we may exhibit in ourselves or in the personalities around us.



The Minor Arcana includes 40 more numbered cards that are also organized into 4 different suits, with 10 cards in each suit. Each card in each suit represents various situations, events and energies we encounter regularly. The suits are usually depicted as Cups, Pentacles, Swords and Wands…. different artists may choose different wording.



How Exactly Do Tarot Cards Work? 

Many people believe that Tarot cards will foretell the future but making predictions is not truly what Tarot cards are about.  When it comes to Tarot, the cards’ purpose is to connect us to our intuition by resonating with our inner intuitive language through imagery and creative metaphor.


The most powerful way to read the Tarot is to use the cards to access your intuition and your inner wisdom. The imagery in the cards gives us instant access to our subconscious mind and our intuitive process. From this place of inner power and wisdom, we can discover how to make positive changes in the present so we can manifest our goals and our dreams in the future. That being said, it is possible to develop our intuition to a place where future prediction or prophesy exists. This place comes with practice and self-discovery. We all have the ability to develop this other sense and incorporate it into everyday life.


The Tarot is also known as the “FOOL’S JOURNEY”. The Fool's Journey is a metaphor for our journey through life, and the lessons, phases and trials we face on the road to enlightenment.



Major Arcana



The Major Arcana includes 22 numbered cards beginning at Zero which is the card known as the Fool and ends with The World card at number 21.


Zero represents an absolute beginning. The Fool card plays a pivotal role in reading the Major Arcana; it is his or her story….he or she moves through each card, learning lessons along the way in what's known as the Fool's Journey.


A Major Arcana card is often complex and significant, and its appearance will influence the entire reading. It's often a prompt to reflect on your life's broader lessons and overall themes. Major Arcana cards hold more significance and supersede the energies of the Minor Arcana cards surrounding it in the reading. These cards represent BIG moves, Big Changes and Milestone moments




Minor Arcana


The 56 Minor Arcana cards relate to the more specific daily challenges of everyday life and our current situations. They represent our thoughts, feelings, experiences, and beliefs. These cards are often associated with a temporary kind of energy that's affecting your life now and could be easily influenced to move one way or another.


The Minor Arcana cards are made up of four tarot suits that focus on different parts of our lives:


  • Wands: These cards represent passion, energy, creativity, and sexuality.


  • Cups: These cards represent love, emotions, feelings, and intuition.


  • Swords: The swords are intellectually driven, representing our thoughts, words and action.


  • Pentacles: This suit recognizes the material world, offering guidance on our finances, career paths, and material possessions.



Within each suit are the court cards - the King, Queen, Knight, and Page - and they can be interpreted in any number of ways. They may represent people, personalities, situations, or even the energy surrounding us at the time of our reading.



What is “The Fools Journey”?

The tarot is also known as the “Fools Journey” which is the evolution and transformation of the Fool on his or her journey to Enlightenment.

The Fool represents the naïve, optimistic open-minded traveler at the beginning of his journey. The Fool is unaware he or she is unaware. Jumping in without thinking the journey is about to commence.

The Magician is the first evolution in the journey where the fool realizes he or she has the ability to create from the tools already in his or her possession. You realize you have been given talents, gifts and abilities but must learn how to use them. You must First realize that you already hold such gifts and second you must learn how to access their powers in order to use them and finally why you have been entrusted with these gifts.

The High Priestess is the feminine trait of subconscious intuition. She is the gatekeeper between the outer and the inner worlds we exist in. She holds the secrets to accessing Divine knowledge.

The Empress is “Mother” energy or the nurturing spirit that guides our fascination with the world around us. She is pregnant with possibilities and guides our young understanding of the world. She holds all the POSSIBILITY and POTENTIAL of what we can be.

The Emperor represents “Father” energy and gives us leadership and authority traits to help us understand cause and effect. We learn consequences and strategy when he appears.

The Hierophant brings us the lessons of societal norms and social structures. It represents the lessons of traditions, education, institutions and business hierarchies. We learn to maneuver through systems.

 The Lovers is the first card of finding partnerships. Up to this point the journey has been self-centered and solitary. This card brings us the lessons of romance, love, relationships and partners. In order to attract a suitable partner, the fool must become firm in his own beliefs and values to connect on a deeper plane with another individual. In order to LOVE another, one must LOVE ourself first.

The Chariot shows the maturation of the Fool into adulthood and now is able to travel his or her own course. It is card of movement and execution.

Strength is the next card on the journey. All adventures have challenges and challenges require strength to endure whatever hardships or difficulties appear. Strength appears when we learn what we are made of and keeps us strong until the lesson is learned.

The Hermit appears when the journey pushes the Fool to ask existential questions and search for the meanings of the hardships faced. This is a time of self-reflection, solitude and introspect. The Fool comes to learn during this period, all challenges hold hidden wisdom, tools and needed lessons.

The Wheel of Fortune appears after the introspection period where the Fool realizes the universe is in constant flow and flux. Although the universe is unknowable it is true that there is purpose, destiny and meaning in all things.

Justice appears when right and wrong are called into question. This part of the journey deals with transgressions and accountability. Every choice has a consequence. Every sacrifice a reward.

The Hanged Man comes when a truth is revealed that shatters the Fools current understanding of things. This represents a turning point for the Fool where he or she must choose to walk away from the new found truth and stay at an easier lower state of awareness or climb the harder road towards a deeper understanding.

The only way to elevate is to surrender. It may feel like defeat and letting go but in doing so a major change occurs. He is open to the flow and rhythm of the universe and has allowed the natural order of things to flow through him bringing a sense of calm. It is a time to look at things from a different perspective.

Death is the next step on the journey. This is not a literal death but rather a transition or cutting away the aspects that no longer serve him or her on the next phase of transformation. Death is a hard lesson learned and a levelling up to a new way of being.

Temperance comes after the emotional turbulence of the past lessons have taken their toll and balance has been restored. The Fool now has the strength and know how to find emotional balance. He or she has matured enough to know that the mind controls emotions and its possible to rein in his or her thoughts to a place of calm.

The Devil comes just as everything seems to be going along smoothly. The Devil is the Fools greatest enemy also known as the Fool himself (or herself).  This card represents the lessons that come from self-sabotage, addictions, materialism, negativity, destructive behaviours and low frequency thoughts. While it all might seem gratifying at first, the Fool soon realizes it to be unfulfilling and these energies begin to eat away at the Fool.

 The Tower appears as an upheaval of the Devils energy and although it is usually a card of major shock that destroys a structure built by the Fool, it comes to release the Fool from his or her own destructive creation. The lessons learned during this phase are usually profound and create a new foundation for higher levels of consciousness to unlock.

The Star appears when the Devil is defeated and the Fool aligns once again with his or her evolving higher self. The star comes to shine Divine hope and illuminates the next part of the journey with divine direction and protection. This is a period of gratitude, love, joy and harmony.

The Moon comes to remind the Fool that there are unknown lessons that still must be learned. These lessons deal with inner creativity, fantasy, illusion and dreams. These lessons are hidden secrets and inner knowledge that must be tapped into from a place of deep intuition and self-discovery. 

The Sun brings light, truth and awakenings. When the Sun appears on the journey illusions disappear and the path becomes clear and easier to navigate. This card brings the joys of life.

Judgement appears when an elevated consciousness and control of the ego has been attained. When this card appears, the universe has aligned and brings a joyful flow of clarity into the Fools world.

The World appears at the completion of the journey. When the World appears, a complete evolution has transpired. The Fool has gleaned all the tools and lessons on this level of enlightenment and abundance and prosperity await.


By jumping headfirst into an unknown adventure, the Fool has gained experience, wisdom and has now arrived at a new level of consciousness.

There is a deeper knowledge he or she possesses and this new-found wisdom will serve a higher purpose down the road in the future.  The anxiety of the journey has given way to a state of wisdom and grace. The WORLD card represents a form of enlightenment.

This card represents a completion but also denotes the beginning of a whole new level of consciousness. All endings are beginnings in tarot.


How To Read Tarot

Understanding the general meanings of each card is just the beginning in becoming a proficient tarot reader. The real power comes when you use the cards to tap into your own unique intuitive ability and glean the wisdom and experience from your own path and apply it to the journey in front of you.


Generally, a tarot card reading follows a simple format:


  1. First, you need to ask the cards a question.


It should be clear and open-ended. For example, avoid asking questions that begin with "Will I...," as they run the risk of locking you into a passive role in your own future.


The idea is to use the card reading to illuminate a path forward, so the tarot reader should ask questions that are broader. Here are a few questions to consider if you're new to tarot:


  • "What do I need to know about ___?"
  • "How can I understand ___?"
  • "Why am I feeling anxious about ___?"
  • "Where is the hidden opportunity in ___?"
  • "What should I focus on in my relationship with ___?"
  • "How can I move past ___?"



  1. Once you have a question in your mind, it's time to shuffle.


There is no right or wrong way to shuffle tarot cards. Whatever feels best for you, is the way you should do it. The overhand shuffle involves holding the deck of cards in one hand and using the other to move cards from one side of the deck to the other.


Or you can try spreading the cards face down on the table and sweeping them into a big, messy pile before tapping them into place again….


Try a few different techniques or add a whole new spin by doing something else and see what feels right for you.



  1. Pull your card(s).


Again, there are multiple ways to do this. Cutting the deck with your left hand and pulling the card on top is a simple, no-nonsense approach.

You can fan the cards out like poker and choose the card that draws your eye or feels right in your hand.


You're free to pull a single card for a simple reading or several cards for what's known as a spread. Instead of answering one question, tarot spreads can delve deeper and more broadly to your situation or life path.


The more cards you use in a spread, the more in-depth the reading tends to be, but a big spread can be overwhelming for beginners.



  1. Once you've chosen your card or cards, lay them face down in your spread.


Then, turn them right side up one by one, so you can gaze at their words, symbols, and imagery, paying attention to what comes to mind as you go.




How to interpret the cards you pull



The key is to stay calm and focused to fully connect with your intuitive abilities by way of the cards. If you're drawing a complete blank about how a certain card relates to your question, check the reference guide for guidance on the card meanings.


If you are brave, look at the imagery, symbols, colours, details, and traits on the card – and ask yourself ….What feeling does this card bring? What is this card saying to you?


Now mesh those meanings into a sentence or story and push yourself to go deeper. That is how you strengthen your intuition. Whatever first pops into your head is usually important puzzle pieces.


For a simple 3 card tarot reading:


After shuffling, pull three cards from the stack. Remember to breathe slowly and evenly, and lean into your intuition as you go:


As you turn over each card, consider the various imagery on each card and .


Card 1: The past energy surrounding the situation at hand.

Card 2: The current energy surrounding the situation at hand.

Card 3: The future energy of the situation at hand.




For a different SPREAD shuffle your cards and choose the five cards that call to you, or cut the deck into five piles.


Take a deep breath and pull a card for each question:


Card 1: What is happening now?

Card 2: How can I weather it easily and with grace?

Card 3: What is the lesson?

Card 4: What is leaving currently?

Card 5: What is arriving at this time?


As you gaze at your cards and ponder these questions, take time to focus and reflect. It can be helpful to journal about your thoughts and feelings on each card for a deeper interpretation.



What are CLARIFIER Cards?

Clarifier Cards are extra cards drawn from another deck to help give deeper or clearer understanding in a reading.

To gain even more insight into a reading, one can pull CLARIFIER cards from another deck and place them over the cards already pulled in a spread. These extra cards will modify or give more meaning to the card beneath it. For example in a simple 3 card reading, pull 3 additional cards from another tarot deck or oracle deck and place each card over top of the existing cards in the reading. One by one turn over the new cards and use the keys words or intuitive meaning from the new card to add additional meaning to the existing card beneath it and expand the original reading.

Clarifier cards help to focus meaning into a more understandable message. Look at the artwork and use your intuition to delve deeper and access more insight regarding the message at hand.

What are Reversals?

Reversals are when a card appears upside down in a layout or spread. Some readers choose to not read reversals and use the upright meaning only in their readings. When Reversals appear some readers believe the upside down energy is important. Therefore, the REVERSED card has a more nuanced meaning incorporating a lesser or opposite energy of the upright interpretation of the card.

It is recommended for beginner readers to start by reading upright energies first and when you feel confident try adding the reversed meanings to your readings for further insight. There is NO RIGHT WAY to read tarot.

The WHOOPSY DAISIES TAROT ART JOURNAL is an excellent way to grow in your understanding and interpretation of each card and how they interact.


There are several “SPREADS” or card layouts you can try; some we have included in this book. Many practitioners create their own spreads and many use ancient spreads like the Celtic Cross Tarot spread or Past, Present and Future spreads. Just as a paintbrush is a tool to create art, a tarot deck is simply a tool to connect with our inner Spirit and do deep soul, shadow and intuitive work.


Learning to read Tarot is a lifelong endeavor. As you grow in your knowledge and understanding and as your intuition gets stronger and more in-tune, you will find that you will see more and more meaning and nuanced information as you throw cards. As you grow, your readings will become more in-depth and meaningful.

When you walk through the imagery and feel how it connects with your intuition, you will find that the more you practice, the better readings you will get. Everyone has the ability to read tarot cards. You get better with practice. It is our hope that you use this Tarot journal to deepen your intuition by using your creativity to push past the boundaries we sometimes build unknowingly that block our own abilities.


Go ahead and tap into your own ability to access your intuitive language. It is waiting for you to notice it.



This journal is more than just a guidebook. This book is meant to open your creative spirit and childlike wonder to truly connect you to your inner self.

You may have noticed that the WHOOPSY DAISIES TAROT has a RAVEN and an EYE on each card. If you flip through the deck quickly as shown above, you will notice the Raven flies and the Eye opens and closes.

Our eyes are trained to see the image on the static pages but when those pages come together in an unconventional way … movement occurs. This is another example of training ourselves to see beyond the actual into the magical.

This book connects you to each card and helps you search for meaning while asking you to delve deep into your own subconscious flow of ideas in order to make your own correlations that will assist you on your intuitive development through creativity and artistic thought.

Each card appears in this book as a colouring page and a journalling page to push you to learn your own intuitive language and how it reacts with the WHOOPSY DAISIES TAROT.

Check out our videos at www.OptiMYSTIC.ca to see how we interact with the WHOOPSY DAISIES TAROT and ORACLE Cards Art Journal.

This book is a learning tool as well as a personal growth exercise in understanding your shadow self and inner child. Have fun and explore the pages in this book and connect to tarot in a way unlike any other deck out there.

A Quick Reference

Whoopsy Daisies Tarot






Astrological Correlation / Element

Card Name & Number

Know that you know nothing, beginnings, spontaneity, faith, fun, foolishness, naivete, possibilities, pleasure, thoughtlessness, bliss unaware, opportunity, risks, foolishness, new adventures, innocence


indecision, hesitation, injustice, apathy, bad choice, childish, reckless, rushing into things, holding back




The Fool


Be yourself, taking action energy, creativity, self-confidence, dexterity, sleight of hand, will-power, skills, talents, manifestation, awareness, concentration, you have all the tools needed, powerful energy, believe in yourself, resourcefulness, visionary, ambitious


delay, not connected, manipulation, laziness, unimaginative, insecurity, lack of self-confidence, lack of communication





The Magician



knowledge, truth, wisdom, learning, intuition, impatience, virtue, purity, listen to your instincts,

mystery, awareness, potential, divine intervention, beyond the veil, divine feminine, sacred knowledge, duality, good and evil, lessons, secrets


selfishness, shallowness, rejecting the truth, not understanding, ignorance


Cancer/ Pisces




The High Priestess



development, accomplishment, action, evolution, creation, nurture, femininity, beauty, pregnancy, birth, fertile, motherhood, abundance, senses, nature, the earth and environment, resources



inaction, lack of concentration, vacillation, anxiety, infidelity, vulnerability, unhealthy, smothering,





The Empress


authority, father-figure, structure, solid foundation, fatherhood, respect, leadership, regulations, leaders, heads of business, Politicians, conviction, established, wisdom, boundaries



domination, excessive control, rigidity, inflexibility, bully, dishonesty, dominant







The Emperor


Traditions, systems, beliefs, mercy, conformity, forgiveness, approval, bonded, inspiration, obeying the law, education, marriage, hierarchy, organizations, industry, foundational beliefs, convention



vulnerability, unconventionality, foolish generosity, impotence, frailty, unorthodoxy






The Hierophant


harmony, trust, romance, optimism, honor, love, relationships, sexuality, union, connection, follow your heart, passion, desire, soul mates, kindred spirits, shared values


separation, frustration, unreliability, fickleness, untrustworthy

apathy, disconnection, unbalanced, conflict






The Lovers


Movement, travel, progression, motion, confidence, victory, perseverance, rushed decision, turmoil, right path, in control, new location, new surroundings, new journey, adventure, Animal Loyalty, rainbows, bridges, Long Distances, Nights & Days, those on the journey with us.



vanquishment, defeat, failure, unsuccessful, stuck, unsure, delay,



The Chariot



Strength predicts the triumphant conclusion to a major life problem, situation or temptation through strength of character. It is a very happy card if you are fighting illness or recovering from injury. Strength depicts physical strength but more so emotional strength. Taming hostile forces, leadership abilities and bravery.



Scared to move on, stagnant, faking happiness, rely on your heart for guidance







inner strength, prudence, withdrawal, caution, vigilance, learning, knowledge, solitary endeavors, enlightenment, soul searching, self-reflection, inner guidance, self-directed solitude, Spiritual Growth, Altered States of Knowingness




hastiness, alone, loneliness,  rashness, immaturity, imprudence, foolishness




The Hermit



unexpected turn of events, advancement, destiny, fortune, progress, twists of fate, changes, Divine Happenstances, new directions, fortunate events, what goes up - must come down and it all goes back around again, Is it a lesson, an opportunity or is it a transformation?


interruption, outside influences, failure, bad luck setbacks,

Leo Taurus Scorpio Aquarius


All Elements


The Wheel of Fortune 



equality, righteousness, virtue, honor, harmony, balance, truth, redemption, karma, held accountable, repercussions, law, courts, fairness, legalities, rational decisions, exoneration or consequences



accusation, unfairness, abuse, biased







change, reversal, boredom, improvement, rebirth, suspension, look at things from a new perspective, delays, bigger picture, sacrifice, time out, wait until the universe is ready for you. Surrender, while you are upside down what looks out of place? Notice what is trying to get your attention.



prophecy, useless sacrifice, unwillingness, laziness, procrastination, disappointment, frustration, insecurities




The Hanged Man




Endings, closure, unexpected change, loss, failure, transformation, death, misfortune, difficult endings and new beginnings from a higher perspective, end of a chapter, end of a season, transition, You see things differently now, beyond the veil, when you are ready  your teachers appear, when you are really ready they disappear.


immobility, slow changes, cheating, death, stagnation, anxiety, stress







Balance, harmony, inspired solutions, angel guidance, spiritual journey, connecting to the universe, temperance, patience, good influence, confidence, moderation, surrender, letting go, finding FLOW, unwinding your thoughts, unlearning, deconstructing, Peace.



conflict, disunion, frustration, impatience, discord








Addictions, lust, anger, negative thoughts, destructive situation, bad influence, manipulation, greed, temptation, materialism, downfall, unexpected failure, controversy, ravage, disaster, ill tempered



release, enlightenment, divorce, recovery, escape, release of the devils’ chains, hopefulness,




The Devil




disruption, abandonment, end of relationship, bankruptcy, downfall, unexpected events, life changes, shattered ego, loss, vulnerability, confusion, gut punch, deconstruction, tearing down, surrender so the new foundation can emerge



Fearing change, internal transformation, clinging to old belief systems, entrapment, imprisonment, old ways,




The Tower




balance, pleasure, Divine guidance, peace healing, serendipity, protection, optimism, insight, spiritual love, hope, faith, generosity, gentleness, generosity, success, balance, blessings, serenity



disappointment, bad luck, imbalance, insecure, lack of passion, feeling disconnected, loss of purpose




The Star




Illusions, secrets, psychic abilities, double-dealing Deception, disillusionment, trickery,  hidden knowledge, shadow work, subconscious, bewilderment, Remembrance, deep emotions



Truth in the open, mistakes, deception discovered, negative advantage




The Moon




accomplishment, success, love, joy, happy relationships, satisfaction, growth, fun, stability, protection, truth, optimism, success, light and love, innocence, safety, Enjoyment, enlightenment, growth, recovery


loneliness, canceled plans, unhappiness, break ups depression,




The Sun




awakening, renewal, rejuvenation, rebirth, improvement, promotion, atonement, judgment, decisiveness, Face your fears, Awakening, Forgiveness, outcome, consequences, balance restored, the past


disappointment, indecision, death, failure, ill-health, theft, worry








perfection, recognition, success, fulfillment, eternal life, Moving on, Completion, end of a cycle, travel, balance, belonging, integration, beginning of a new jo journey, global awareness, cultures, being a global citizen, caring for your neighbour, the reach a goal,


lack of vision, disappointment, imperfection, detour, pressure, lack of progress, delay

Aquarius Taurus Leo Scorpio


Earth, Air, Water, Fire



The World











Tea Cup



This is the universe telling you to Stop and Pour yourself a cuppa tea…. Take a deep breath and let whatever is bothering you…GO. Surrender, let the  universe’s perfect energy handle the issues at hand.


Element = Water

Astrological Sign = Cancer

Tarot Card = The Moon

Planet = Moon

Chakra = Crown, Purple

Botanical = Tea

Spirit Animal = Caterpillar





Whispering Spirit



Listen to the whispers in the wind, Spirit speaks to us without words, be still and listen, our loved ones, ancestors and divine guides communicate with us daily if we calm our minds and listen. Be still and LISTEN.




Element = Air

Astrological Sign = Libra

Tarot Card = Judgement

Planet = Pluto

Chakra = Crown, Purple

Botanical = Angels Trumpet

Spirit Animal = Luna Moth



The Minor Arcana – Wands





Astrological Correlation / Element

Card Name & Number


profitable journey, new business, new beginning, new ideas, enterprise, travel, adventure, pioneer, maverick spirit,


selfishness, lack of determination, setback


Aries Leo Sagittarius




Ace of Wands






generous person, courage, patience, courage, making plans, partnership, influence, moving forward, creative partnerships,


impatience, domination




Two of Wands






cooperation, good partnership, success, action, adventure, ship comes in, arts, music, crafts, sports,


carelessness, arrogance, pride, mistakes




Three of Wands






Freedom, happily ever after, domestic happiness, security, putting down roots, new partner, auspicious artistic projects, kindness, reevaluation,


new relationship, new ambitions, action




Four of Wands






lawsuit or quarrel, courage, competition, debates, play fights, delays, sports competition, rivalry, scheduling issues.


new opportunities, harmony, generosity




Five of Wands







leadership, good news, success, victory, success, promotions, rewards, accomplishment, glory, celebrations, proposals, parties, center of attention, fame,


postponement, unwelcome news, pride in riches




Six of Wands




stiff competition, victory, courage, energy, effort, challenges, holding your own, noble, morality, standing up, making dreams a reality,


advantage, patience, indecision




Seven of Wands





new ideas, love, new journey, new direction, things happening quickly, building a framework,


violence, quarrels, courage




Eight of Wands






victory, healing, obstinacy, defense, strength, battle weary, exhaustion, defensiveness, persistence,


weakness, ill-health, adversity




Nine of Wands






pain, ruined, failure, responsibilities, carrying a burden, exhausted, struggles, overwhelmed, entrepreneurs doing multiple roles, sacrifice



cleverness, energy, strength




Ten of Wands




Good news, communication, negotiation, trust the information, young person, youth energy, hard worker, enthusiasm, exploration, discovery, free spirit,


setbacks to new ideas, pessimism, lack of direction

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius







Page of Wands





generous, journey, impetuous, speed, action, movement, creative, dynamic youth, innovator, networking, traveler, visitor, ambition




suspicion, jealousy, narrow-mindedness

Sagittarius and Scorpio




Knight of Wands





fondness, attraction, command, creativity, focus, artist, entrepreneur, leader, organizer, social, charismatic, loyalty, expression, family ties,





jealous, revengeful, infidelity


Aries and Pisces







Queen of Wands





passionate, good leader, noble, an honourable man, man of the world, talkative, energetic, communication, self-motivated, entrepreneur, creative, fair, visionary, business leader, wisdom




unyielding, prejudice, quarrels





Leo and Cancer




King of Wands




The Minor Arcana – Cups




Astrological Correlation / Element

Card Name & Number


Love, relationships, new beginnings, fertility, pregnancy, birth, motherhood, projects, falling in love, passion, significant other, positive emotional flow, good health, love, joy, beauty,



egotism, selfishness, hesitancy

Pisces Cancer Scorpio




Ace of Cups




romance, friendship, cooperation, partnership, harmony, peace, deeper commitment, engagement, marriage, new romance, passions, support, relationship deepens



violent passion, misunderstanding




Two of Cups




Celebration, abundance, family, friendships, anniversaries, birthdays, having fun, rewards, good news, good times, fortune, hospitality, discovery




hidden, overindulgence, pain, gossip




Three of Cups




dissatisfaction, kindness, reevaluation, redemption, boredom, restlessness, an offer not wanted, pro and con to a situation, hidden offer, read the fine print



new goals, ambitions, beginning




Four of Cups




broken marriage, vain regret, sorrow, loss, leaving, sorrow, sadness, confusion, disappointment, arguments, relationship

problems, humiliated, grief.





return, summon, hope




Five of Cups




acquaintance, good memories, acquaintance, happiness, harmony, childhood, nostalgia, old times, feeling safe, first love, reconciliation, old friends, happy times,  children,



friendship, disappointment, past




Six of Cups



imagination, illusion, directionless, opportunities, extremes, choices, disillusionment, procrastination, distractions,




will-power, determination




Seven of Cups




Change, disappointment, abandonment, misery, walking away, leaving a relationship, breakup,


pleasure, success, joy




Eight of Cups






physical well-being, hopes, security, happiness, prosperity, generosity, optimism, possibilities, entertainment, independence, leadership, festivities, parties



illness, failure, overindulgence




Nine of Cups




Prosperity, happy family, happily ever after, friendship, happiness, contentment, security, success, joy, harmony, accomplishment, trust,





waste, broken relationships, quarrel




Ten of Cups






sweetness, interest in literature, gentleness, love news, young at heart, good news, messages, communication, new romance,





poor imagination, selfishness, no desires

Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio






Page of Cups





emotional, romantic dreamer, intelligence, proposal, opportunity, sweet things, beauty, youthful energy, nature, dreams,





idleness, untruthful, fraud, sensuality

Aquarius and Pisces







Knight of Cups





loving mother, gentle, happiness, intuitive woman, sensitive woman, compassionate, loving, artistic, hospitable, care giver, motherly, protector




perverse, unhappy, gloom, over-active imagination

Gemini and Cancer




Queen of Cups




kindness, willingness, enjoyment, charismatic, warm hearted, father figure





double-dealer, scandal, crafty, violent

Libra and Scorpio







King of Cups





The Minor Arcana – Swords





Astrological Correlation / Element

Card Name & Number


Success, beginnings, decisions, clear thinking, action, drama, confrontation, new way of thinking, love, valiant, victory





obstacles, tyranny, power

Libra Aquarius Gemini




Ace of Swords





indecision, trouble, balanced, take time to think, stalemate, negotiation, meditate, stand still, look within, choice to make, stand your ground,




unscrupulous, release




Two of Swords






heartbreak, pain, sorrow, breakups, loss, doubt, betrayal, affairs, disloyalty, love lessons, heart issues, blood pressure issues, illness, healing process, new beginnings in love



Drama, confusion, pain, release




Three of Swords






Self-care, passive, time outs, taking a break, recovery, illness, solitude, sleep, meditate, broken relationship, civil war, rest, therapy, counselling,



sorrow, loss, confusion




Four of Swords






Upheaval, conflict, loss, tension, ongoing stress, defeat, recovery, self-respect, temporary exile, strife, retreat, unrest





social unrest, labor strikes, renewed activity




Five of Swords






gradual change, movement, or travel away from difficulty or imminent danger; the solution of current problems; long journeys and passage from pain; or obstacles which are overcome. New locations, new horizons




entering dangerous seas, making no progress, and throwing caution to the wind.



Six of Swords



disharmony, sorrow, theft, dishonesty, betrayal, selfishness, manipulation, difficulties, unfairness, legal trouble,






obstacles, difficulties, defeat




Seven of Swords





betrayal, insolence, unwise attempt, feeling stuck, restriction, mental anguish, trapped, self-sabotage, frustration, get out of your own head, confusion, escape,





counsel, helpful, advice




Eight of Swords




Anxiety, illness, low energy, stress, weakness, indecision, censure, nightmares, insomnia, worry, shock, grief, triggered, unhappiness, mental anguish





freedom, new beginnings, relaxation




Nine of Swords






desolation, illness, suspicion, cruelty, endings, exhaustion, the pain ends, change is coming, frustration, stress, overwhelmed




unselfishness, good news, healing




Ten of Swords














intelligence, contracts, hard work pays off, ambitious, new way of thinking, travel documents




courage, positive energy, good health

Libra, Aquarius, Gemini





Page of Swords







Charging in without thinking, taking action, intelligence, grace, diplomacy, dexterity, grace, protector





imposture, ill-health, cunningness

Taurus and Gemini




Knight of Swords





strong man, brave, clever person, decisive woman, ambitious, cuts to the chase, articulate, powerful, cutting, forceful and clear thinking





troublemaker, a crafty, tyranny

Virgo and Libra




Queen of Swords






skillful, brave, clever, rush powerful, friendship, counselor, ambitious, masculine, intellectual






sly, keen, deceitful obstinate, evil intentions, judgments

Capricorn and Aquarius





King of Swords













The Minor Arcana – Pentacles





Astrological Correlation / Element

Card Name & Number


prosperity, property, beginnings, auspicious card, contentment, money, winning, windfall, gift, new property or riches, abundance, happiness, pleasure, good health, wealth, new business opportunity,




misery, greedy, money

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn




Ace of Pentacles




harmony, new projects, helpful, negotiation, partnership, balance, managing money, cash flow issues, watching finances, property issues, fairness, decisions about property,




difficulty, discouragement pride gets in the way




Two of Pentacles







abilities, approval, effort, mastery, expert training, enterprise, success, rewarding work, talents, skills, selling property, teaching, finishing a project, building, visible success, fame, expert, masterpiece, accomplishment, hard work, legacy



preoccupation, ambitions




Three of Pentacles




Holding onto money, enough, traditional values, investments, strong foundation, assets, contract, ungenerous, greed, miserly, security, cheapness, miser, tight fisted, savings, hard work for reward




spendthrift, obstacles, earthly possessions




Four of Pentacles




Financial loss, poverty, loss, emotional hardship, unemployment, look for new resources, breakup, fear, sadness, feeling alone



Examine your values, fear of change, tension, selfishness, hoarding




Five of Pentacles







prosperity, philanthropy, charity, gifts, property, inheritance, family, generosity, donations, helping others, paying back debts, benefactor, cash flow, support, receiving help



jealousy, miserliness, unfairness




Six of Pentacles






development, re-evaluation, effort, hard work, hard work, potential for success, goal in sight, keep going don’t stop, tedious stage, reward is coming, hold on, accruing funds, healing process, growing business, saving for big purchase


impatience, slow progress, investments




Seven of Pentacles





employment, money, learning, trade, education, achievement, money is on its way, new skills, practice makes perfect, profitable venture, diligence, apprentice, dedication, trustworthy, responsibility,



void, no ambition, dislike




Eight of Pentacles




solitude, well-being, green thumb, financial stability, home, proud of achievement, safe, garden, sacred space, abundance, self-care, fruit of your labour, serenity, relaxation, fulfillment, comfort, independent, generous, well balanced, rewards, good tiding, good health,



caution, possible loss, vanity, ego, overspending




Nine of Pentacles




wealth, property, stability, inheritance, generosity, love, family, happiness, celebrations, community, home, resources, support, maturity, investments


dull, slothfulness, misfortune




Ten of Pentacles







kindness, new ideas/opinions, scholar, progress, adventure, youthful energy, dependable, good news, finances, business endeavours, education, security. Travel, offer, opportunity




luxury, rebellious, bad news

Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo




Page of Pentacles


Financial growth, good investment, progress, realistic goals, success, benefits, money coming in, promotion, bonus, dependable, responsible, improving prosperity, patience, animal lover, trustworthy



carelessness, standstill, irresponsible

Leo and Virgo




Knight of Pentacles

thoughtfulness, intelligence, talents, melancholy, reliable woman. Well off, generous, supportive, strong maternal instinct, affectionate, wise, loving, nurturing, kindness, charismatic, beloved,

feminine energy


mistrust, suspicion, neglect

Sagittarius and Capricorn




Queen of Pentacles



reliable person, steadiness, generous, visionary, hardworking, well off, generous, reliable, practical, security, protector, firm boundaries, tolerant, businessperson, entrepreneur, masculine energy,


bribes, materialistic, calm

Taurus and Aries




King of Pentacles